What is LIPSTICK®?
LIPSTICK® was established in 2011 to provide transformational personal &
professional development services. While we specialize in services for
women, our services are available to all individuals who find themselves in a
transition! Whether you are an executive, business owner, early to mid-
careerist or someone just wanting to live a more purpose-filled life,
LIPSTICK’s® services can be crafted just for you.
Our Services

LIPSTICK® provides:
Individual & group coaching/development sessions
Consultative services for businesses or faith-based organizations
Leadership style assessments
Visioning sessions
Public speaking
Personalized yoga sessions

Our Benefits
All services can be tailored to your needs.
Coaching or development sessions can be completed via video conferencing, telephone or in-person. These methods prove to be viable options for virtual teams or individuals who may have extensive travel schedules.
Enhanced spiritual, emotional and physical health.
Increased effectiveness and focus.
Replenish the Spirit, Soul and Body.
Receive tools to live a balanced life.
Our Reviews
What's My 'Shade' ?
LIPSTICK® believes all individuals have a unique ‘shade’™ (strength, talent, skill, purpose); one that is uniquely you! Just as a makeup artist will help determine a client’s best coloring, LIPSTICK® can help you identify and develop your true ‘shade’™!
Don’t waste time trying on other people’s perspective of life, find your own ‘shade’™, and maneuver through life’s journey towards your destiny being authentically you. Do you know and are you using your ‘shade’™?
Our goal is to help you identify and effectively use your ‘shade’™ to propel you towards your destiny.

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